As regular readers know, Mark and I love to travel! In fact, you could say that we live to travel!! Today, I reach the ripe old age of 55 and Mark is soon to hit the 60 milestone. With this in mind, we’ve decided to set ourselves a challenge to complete over the next five years. Read on to discover what we have in store with our 60 to 60 challenge!!
In this article
Why Have We Set Ourselves a Challenge?
Time is running out!
I know, I know, we’re not over the hill yet, although there are days when it feels like it! I’m confident that we have years left in us and that we will continue to travel for as long as we are physically able. However, we cannot escape the fact that we have certainly passed the halfway mark! We have more life behind us than in front of us and that is quite a scary (and somewhat depressing) thought!
It’s Impossible to Go Everywhere
As much as we’d like to, time and money constraints mean that we can’t possibly see all the places in the world that we still want to see. We need to prioritise. We need to plan.
We Want to Set Some Goals
We are fortunate that we’re not tied to a particular place. We no longer have family responsibilities pulling us back to the UK. Our time is our own. As perfect as this sounds (and it is, mainly!), the danger is that we could become complacent. We might land somewhere, find that the life there suits us very well (as here in Tobago, for example!) and end up staying for longer than we’d planned. Whilst this wouldn’t be the end of the world, it would mean that we might miss out on some destinations we would otherwise have experienced. Goals are the way forward!
To Inspire Others
As I write this, I’m aware that it sounds rather pompous, but the truth is that our readers tell us all the time that they would like to do what we do. We want to show them that they can. You don’t need pots of money. You just need a ‘do it’ attitude and a plan!!
Because It’s Fun!
The ethos behind Happy Days Travel Blog is to have fun and enjoy every single day. I think the 60 to 60 challenge is going to be the best fun – and it’s going to last for five years!!
What is the 60 to 60 Challenge?
As I explained, I turn 55 today. Mark reaches 60 in July. That’s five years or sixty months (give or take!) between the two events. 60 months to visit 60 countries between Mark being 60 and me reaching 60!! It has a nice synergy to it!
The Rules
- We have always advocated slow travel. We like to spend extended periods of time in a place to get to know the culture and the people. This challenge won’t change that. 60 months for 60 countries obviously equates to an average of a month in each country. Whilst we will be spending longer in some places (we’re just about to go to Thailand to work for six months, for example) than others, the aim is not to dip in and out of a country just to count it as one of our 60!
- If we visit the same country more than once within the next five years, it will only count as one nation for the purposes of the challenge.
- Airport layovers don’t count! We have to actually stay in a place for at least a few days.
- Not every country has to be a new destination for us. The way the plan is looking at the moment, we will be visiting 10 countries we’ve been to before and 50 we haven’t!
- Unless things change with regards to our health, we have no plans to include European nations (apart from the UK) in our 60. We hope there will be time enough to visit these later. 65 to 65, perhaps?!
The 60 Countries We Plan to Visit
- Trinidad and Tobago
- United States
- Thailand
- South Africa
- Eswatini
- Mozambique
- Lesotho
- Namibia
- Botswana
- Zimbabwe
- Zambia
- Malawi
- Tanzania
- UK
- Laos
- Myanmar
- Cambodia
- Kenya
- Ethiopia
- Madagascar
- Seychelles
- Mauritius
- Comoros
- Uganda
- Rwanda
- Sudan
- Egypt
- Jordan
- Algeria
- Oman
- Israel
- Lebanon
- Iran
- Iraq
- Phillippines
- China
- Guyana
- Chile
- Bolivia
- Columbia
- Argentina
- Suriname
- Costa Rica
- Nicaragua
- Belize
- Honduras
- Guatemala
- Cuba
- Panama
- El Salvador
- Ecuador
- Peru
- Brazil
- Paraguay
- Uruguay
- India
- Nepal
- Pakistan
- Sierra Leone
- Guinea
How Fixed is This List?
It isn’t!! I’m writing this post in Tobago. From here, Covid 19 permitting, we travel to Thailand via the US. Next winter, we will be in south and east Africa. That is already booked. So, up to number 14 on the list is, barring incident, fixed. After that, anything could happen!! World events, personal issues, and unforeseen circumstances mean that our plans have to remain flexible.
How Will We Document the Challenge?
Here on the website. I will write about our travels as I always do, but, in addition, I’ll write regular posts updating the progress of the challenge. I will also post specifically about the challenge on my social media using the hashtag 60to60 (#60to60). It will be interesting to see what happens.
How much will the reality differ from the idea I have in my head right now? Time will tell!
For now, in the words of Winnie the Pooh:
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- Book your travel insurance with World Nomads (Never leave home without protecting yourself, your trip and your belongings!)
- Book your flight with Skyscanner
- Book your accommodation with
- Book a tour with Tour Radar or Intrepid Travel
- Book city tours and activities with Get Your Guide
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What a great idea!! I might do the same as I am slightly closer to 60 than you!
I look forward to comparing our journeys once all this craziness is over