Call me weird, but I absolutely love the planning stage of any trip! Planning a trip is like embarking on a thrilling journey before the actual adventure begins. The...

Call me weird, but I absolutely love the planning stage of any trip! Planning a trip is like embarking on a thrilling journey before the actual adventure begins. The...
No, it's not what you're thinking!
As I explained in a previous post, Christie, the truck we travelled around Ethiopia in, was fitted with roof seats. Mark made full use of this facility...
One of the many joys of our overlanding trip through northern Ethiopia was seeing the landscapes and catching glimpses of ordinary lives through the windows...
Mark and I do a lot of independent travel. We enjoy the freedom and flexibility that goes with ‘doing our own thing’. However, this type of travel can be exhausting! When we...
Please note: This post was first published in March 2016. I have edited it and improved the...
I have written before about my love of flying. I've enjoyed almost every flight I've ever been on, but the one we took a couple of weeks ago from London Gatwick to Port of Spain, Trinidad, has...
I wrote a post at the start of our two-month trip around southern India, explaining our reasons for making the journey and setting out our plan for the weeks to come. So, now that...
After the hassles of actually getting valid tickets to board the Nilgiri Mountain Railway (see previous post), we gratefully found our seats by the windows on the left side...